Saturday, November 5, 2011

Praise Report- The Johnson family wants to send an ECO computer and wheelchair to me for Blossom to use when she gets home.
Meeting more people in Fresno that have spent time with Blossom. Getting pictures of Blossom from people all over the country, these pictures really brighten my day!

Prayer request- I need prayer that the Lord will touch his peoples hearts, some he will ask to be prayer warriors, some he will ask to help financially and some he will ask to do both. I don't even begin to understand how this will work. I do know that the Lord wants me to adopt Blossom and he knows exactly what needs to happen. I want to begin my home study and at this point do not have the finances to do so. Please lift the finances to our Lord. He will hear our petition and answer. Please pray that I will not be discouraged.